The Monthly Board of Directors Meeting


Wellsboro Area Chamber of Commerce

Monthly Minutes

May 28, 2024


CALL TO ORDER (Mike Charles)

Amy Welch called the regular meeting of the Wellsboro Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Director's to order Tuesday, May 28th, 2024, 12:15. at Timeless Destination.

The following directors were present: Jerry Curreri, Marsha Chesko, Charlie Messina, Thomas Putnam, Tim Gooch, Kiley Birgensmith, Rachel Brill, Amy Welch, Leslie Wishard, Jess Sandstrom, Nancy Stamilio, Julian Stam, Al Quimby, Barney Farnsworth, and Kevin Thomas.

Members: Jason Bump & Kayla Yoder, KC10; Maia Mahosky, Pop's Culture Shoppe; Jim Tutak, Wellsboro Rotary; Clare Ritter, Penn Wells/WHA: Dawn Hull, NPRC; Joshua Bankston, Chris Osterbrock, First Baptist Church: Carrie English, Develop iTioga; Sabrina Bubeck, C&N; Ken Ely & Debbie Ely, Good Neighbor Walls; Susan Graver, PA Career Link/Trehab; Taylor Nickerson, West End Artisan Shop: Dave Williams, Glenn O Hawbaker: Michael White, Tree Master; T.J. Freeman, Joe Wagner, Christ Church; and Natalie Kennedy, Wellsboro Gazette.

Staff: Julie Henry

Minutes: Minutes of the April 23, 2024 meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve the minutes was made by Charlie Messina, seconded by Barney Farnsworth, and the motion carried.

Treasurer's Report (Tim Gooch): Tim Gooch reported we are ahead of our annual budgeted dues. GROW has generously provided funds to help us meet our initiatives. With no questions asked, Barney Farnsworth motioned to approve the report, Charlie Messina seconded, and the motion carried.

Chamber Administrative Report (Julie Henry): Julie Henry reported the office is concentrating on Laurel Festival. There are 30 scholarship candidates, parade is in good shape with new entries, 10K registration is open and the concert series will have concerts every night. STPR is coming up the following week with some new stages. Brochures will be coming back from print soon.

Enhancement Committee Report (Julie Henry): Julie Henry reported the committee is going to take a look at the gaslights on East Ave. Many of the lights are in poor condition and need replaced. The lights on Main and Central were replaced a few years ago.

Wellsboro Borough (Louis Rachiele): No report

HARB Committee Report (Louis Rachiele): No report.

Retail / Tourism Committee Report (Charlie Messina): Charlie reported there are plans to attend the ABA conference in January. The conference will be held in Philadelphia in 2025. The committee talked about designated bus parking in the downtown district in an effort in increase shopping and dining. The flags went up the week prior to Memorial Day. We will fly 50 new flags. We still need an additional so Mags and sponsorship is available. Charlie talked about the housing nees and the impact of the shortages. He talked about the hunting season opening day change and the financial impact on the community. He would like to determined local loss. Rotary and Lions Club are meeting with Pen Dot to discuss the Welcome to Wellsboro Signs.

GROW Report (Shawn Bryant): No report

Other Exempt Organization Updates:

DCNR (Tim Morey): No report.

UPMC Wellsboro & SSMH: No report.

Christmas on Main Street (Ellen Bryant): No report.

Blue Ridge Communications (Brian Cunningham): No report.

Rookie Cooks (Tammy Mengee): No report.

Wellsboro Electric (Barney Farnsworth): Barney Farswoth reported capital work in going well. Tree trimming is about halfway through. Contractors are in town and out through Stony Fork running upgrades that will improve reliability later this year. The office project is moving along well and should open at the end of the year.

Comic Con (Julian Stam): Julian Stam announced one of the artist submitted the new T-shirt design. It will be a limited addition and can be ordered through the website. Maia reported all the indoor space is full and they are expanding the outside space. The program will expand to 28 pages this year.

Deane Center for Performing Arts (Amy Welch): Amy Welch reported the Deane Center is preparing for Laurel Festival with the upcoming concert series. They are fundraising for the summer outdoor concert series. They will have outdoor entertainment for the Friday night of STPR.

Green Free Library (Leslie Wishard): Leslie reminded the library has telescopes that can be checked out. Registration for the summer programs opens June 1st for all ages. You can register online or by phone. June 9" the teen, tween, and adults can start logging reading minutes. Stop in or go to the website to get information on additional programs.

Gmeiner Art & Cultural Center (Carrie Heath): Leslie Wishard announced the Friends annual book sale starts on June 5th.

Hamilton Gibson Productions (Thomas Putnam): Thomas Putnam reported they have auditions coming up for the production of Puff that will run in conjunction with Comic Con. On June 8 they will be holding a puppetry workshop. The next show is "Once Upon a Time," the trial of Goldilocks.

Wellsboro Rotary (Jim Tutak): Jim Tutak announced the current total for the Laurel Festival fundraising is approaching $8,000. They have submitted a grant application to install two additional bike service stations on the trail extensions. At graduation they will be awarding the Dick Ford Scholarship for athletics and the Richard Black Scholarship for the study of international studies or affairs. The scholarships will be $1,000 each.

Northern PA Regional College (Dawn Hull): Dawn Hull reported Brunch and Learn Small Business 101 Series will be postponed to September. They will run the first Thursday of each month at 9:00am. Anyone who would like to suggest a topic please let us know. The summer classes and the CDL class starts next week. The fall classes start in August as well as work readiness. There are two locations, Blossburg and Elkland.

Other Non-Profit Organization Updates and Brief Business Reports:

  • Clare Ritter announced buses are increasing. They are getting more request for guided walking tours if anyone would like to volunteer.

  • Wellsboro Glass is continuing conversation with the commissioners to house one of the two ribbon machines at the trail head. They continue to look for a temporary location to open the museum.

  • On June 5th KC101 Trivia at Timeless 6:30 pm- 10% of sales that day will benefit Tioga.

  • County Relay for Life.

  • Chris Osterbrock, First Baptist Church, talked about the theme of their upcoming VBS in July. In August they are having a hog roast and would like to partner with the community. In November they are hosting a two day conference.

  • Carrie English reported Develop Tioga's photo contest will launch this afternoon with three categories. The Leadership Tioga County Program applications will be available later in the week. It is a nine month program and the 2024 class had their graduation last Wednesday.

Next Chamber meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 21, 2024


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